Employee Advance Salary Request
Probuse Admin
This module allow employee to request for advance salary. Main Features
* Employee advance salary request
* Set salary limit on job position
* Department Manager Approval
* HR Officer/Manager Approval
* Director Approval
* Integrated with accounting for payment
* Integrated with HR Payroll / Employee Payslips
We have created Department Manager, Director groups under settings/users/groups to control whole process.
Workflow: Draft->Confirmed->Approved by Department->Approved by HR->Approved by Director->Paid->Done
Menus Available:
- Employees/Advance Salary
- Employees/Advance Salary/Advance Salary Requests
- Employees/Advance Salary/Department Approvals
- Employees/Advance Salary/Director Approvals
- Employees/Advance Salary/HR Approvals
- Invoicing/Purchases/Advance Salary Requests