Probuse Odoo Apps

Probuse Odoo Apps

Odoo Create Timesheet from Attendance

Create Timesheet Entry from Attendance Form

Probuse Admin
July 2020   548 views

Odoo Attendance Dashboard

Attendance Dashboard

Probuse Admin
July 2020   542 views

Odoo Attendance with Project and Tasks

Project and Task Select on Attendance

Probuse Admin
July 2020   577 views

Odoo Employee Attendance Sheet

Employee Attendance Sheet

Probuse Admin
January 2019   993 views

Odoo Purchase Agreement Tendor from CRM Opportunity

CRM Opportunity and Purchse Tendor

Probuse Admin
September 2018   735 views

Odoo Consignment Business Process

Consignment Process Odoo

Probuse Admin
July 2018   1461 views

Odoo Employee Attendance Portal

Odoo Attendance Portal Website

Probuse Admin
October 2017   1696 views

Odoo HR Employee Holidays Email and Notifications

Odoo HR Employeee Leave Request

Probuse Admin
September 2017   799 views

Odoo Print Employee Attendance

Print Attedance

Probuse Admin
June 2017   651 views

Odoo Email / Messages History of Customer/Vendor Odoo

Odoo Emails

Probuse Admin
February 2017   902 views

Odoo Create RFQ Purchase Order from Opportunity CRM

Odoo CRM - Purchase Order

Probuse Admin
January 2017   686 views

Odoo Create Quotation from Opportunity

Odoo Quote from CRM

Probuse Admin
January 2017   858 views

Odoo Customer Supplier Email/Chat History Odoo

Odoo Email History

Probuse Admin
December 2016   585 views

Odoo Mass Email - Invoices to Customers Odoo

Odoo Invoices Send by Email Mass

Probuse Admin
December 2016   657 views

Odoo Payslips by Email to Employee Odoo

Odoo Payroll

Probuse Admin
December 2016   1438 views

HR Attendance Import CSV

Odoo 8 / 9

Probuse Admin
March 2016   1081 views

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