Odoo Template Extend in Custom Module
Template Extend - Inheritance Odoo
Probuse Admin
Odoo Tips by Probuse Consluting Service Pvt Ltd
A Great Headline
A good subtitle
Concept of template inheritance:
How to inherit template
Main Template:
<t t-name="UserMenu">
<span class="my_account">My Account</span>
Menu have options: ['My Account']
<t t-extend="UserMenu">
* Append (it will place new element after selected element)
<t t-extend="UserMenu">
<t t-jquery="span.my_account" t-operation="append">
<span class="logout">Logout</span>
Menu have options: ['My Account', 'Logout']
* Prepend (it will place new element before selected element)
<t t-extend="UserMenu">
<t t-jquery="span.my_account" t-operation="prepend">
<span class="preference">Preference</span>
Menu have options: ['Preference', 'My Account']
* Replace (it will replace element with new element)
<t t-extend="UserMenu">
<t t-jquery="span.my_account" t-operation="replace">
<span class="my_account_new">My Account New</span>
Menu have options: ['My Account New']
* Add element attributes (we can add attributes using js)
<div t-extend="UserMenu">
<t t-jquery="span.my_account">
this.attr('t-if', 'widget.session.is_admin');
- It will add t-if attribute on My Account span.