Global Search Menus & Records

Odoo 9

Probuse Admin

This module allow user of system to search menus and search records by entity.Features:  

* User can search on menu items of Odoo and can directly redirect to that menu. We have provided global search top so that every users of system can get access of that menu and use feature of global search. (This is not only for Admin!). Main advantage of this global search menu is new users can get related menus quickly.  

* Global search records are available also for all users in the system and they can easily search records of selected entity and jump to that filter records. This respect all domains on that action and also security of that action. For example you can select entiry Partner and that will allow you to select all records of partner (res.partner) in select entity field on wizard.

Note: We have given one time configuration for global entities where admin can configure list of fields and models which can be used in global search records.

All search menus and actions respect security (Access control list and Record rules) settings and does not allow any user to see records/menus if they do not have access on it.


Global Search  

   Global Search/Configuration

    Global Search/Configuration/Configure Entities

  Global Search/Search

    Global Search/Search/Global Search Records    
       Global Search/Search/Search Menus




Odoo text and image block