Odoo Customer Portal Product Dashboard
Customer Product Dashboard on Portal Odoo
Probuse Admin
Product Dashboard on Customer Portal in Odoo
Product Dashboard on Customer My Account Portal at Website - Odoo App
Buy Again Product in Product Dashboard
This app allow your customer to see product dashboard on my account portal. Your customer can logged in your website and go to my account portal and see dashboard of product.
Main Features:
- Product dashboard will show only product which customer has bought previously from you or your website shop. So only products which are bought by customer previously appear in dashboard.
- Allow your customer to view related orders and invoices of that products.
- Allow your customer to buy again product directly from dashboard.
- Orders will be listed only if customer is follower of sales order in backend. (This is as per Odoo standard Sales order menu on my account portal). Customer invoices will be listed if customer is set on invoice document in backend (no need to make follower list customer for invoice).
- Download now