Odoo Fleet Repair Request form by Employee
Fleet Vehicle Repair Request Form
Probuse Admin
Odoo Fleet Repair Request by Employee and Portal Employee
Fleet Repair Request from Website
This app allow your employee and portal employees to make online website repair request fleet/vehicle.
Main Features:
- Your Employee and Portal Employee User can send Fleet/Auto/Vehicle Repair request from your website and also attach documents.
- Generation of unique Repair Request on submission and record it as Repair Request in backend.
- Employee can check status of all Employee Fleet Requests submitted by him/her on My Account page / Portal.
- For more details please watch Video and below screenshots.
General Workflow:
- Employee come on website and want to book fleet/auto/vehicle issue request.
- Employee create employee fleet reuqests.
- Employee can see form and fill details. (View Timeslots button allow him to see available time to meet Advisor/Representative).
- Employee can choose multiple services - Pricing are shown if price not avaiable on service form in backend then it will show 'Ask Advisor for Pricing'
- Employee can choose Year, Make, Model and enter number plate / License Plate. (System will search License Plate in odoo list of fleets/vehicle and if found then it automatically link Vehicle in backend.
- Internal Employee can view request in backend while Portal Employee can view requests in My Account Portal.
- On submission of issue request system will create issue request in backend as well as create appoinment/meeting with advisor.
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