Odoo Product Images Import Excel

Odoo Product Images Import

Probuse Admin

Odoo Import Product Images from Excel (File Path and Web URL)

This module allow you to import images from excel using URL and Path.This module gives wizard which allow you to choose whether you want to create product template or product in Odoo and also it allow you to choose whether you want to create new product or you want to modify existing product on wizard. Sample for all types of option are avialable inside module sample direcotry.

Main Features:

- Allow to import *.jpg or .png or .jpeg ... files types.- Allow you to create new product or product template based on you choise and selected on wizard.- Allow you to modify existing product or product template baesd on your choise and selected on wizard.- Allow you to have image file path of your directory and Website URL where you keep your image. (Both option can work together with single import.)- Allow you to give http or https as website URL to import image using Excel.

Create Product Template Image

- For Create Product Template you should select on wizard model as Product Template and operation as Create Product on wizard.- You can add columns like Product Name, Product Reference Code, Image Path on your .xls file

Create Product Image

- For Create Product you should select on wizard model as Product and operation as Create Product on wizard.- You can add columns like Product Name, Product Reference Code, Image Path on your .xls file

Update Product Template Image

- For Update Product Template you should select on wizard model as Product Template and operation as Update Product on wizard.- You have add values as Product Name or Product Reference Code and Image Path on .xls file

Update Product Image

- For Update Product you should select on wizard model as Product and operation as Update Product on wizard.- You have add values as Product Name or Product Reference Code and Image Path on .xls file

Menus Available:

  • Import Products
    • import Products & Images

File must be in .xls or .xlsx file.

Make sure you have xlwt Python library installed.

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