Odoo HelloSign Integration
Odoo HelloSign
HelloSign Integration with Odoo
This app allow Odoo to integrate with HelloSign which is the world leading free eSignature platform. This module add integration of Sales order of Odoo to Sign PDF by your customer. This app is also work as framework so for any other Odoo documents like Purchase, Contract, Employee Contract, Invoice etc etc if you want to have HelloSign Integration it can be done very easily.
Main Features:
- Allow you to send HelloSign signature request to your customer from Odoo.
- This app gives example on Sales order form where you can send HelloSign sign request to your customer.
- You can use this app as framework and implement HelloSign sign request from Odoo any document like Purchase, Contract, Employee Contract, Invoice etc etc.
- Your company should have account on HelloSign and you have to get API key from HelloSign and set on company form. This is the only configuration needed.
- System manage complete history of HelloSign request and response.
- System show status of HelloSign request if customer has signed or rejected in Odoo as well.
- For more details contact us or see video.
- HelloSign Signature
- HelloSign Signature/Signature Document
- HelloSign Signature/Signature Document/Signature Document History
Command to install HelloSign hellosign_sdk library in Ubuntu:
- Python (Odoo version 10.0): sudo pip install hellosign-python-sdk
- Python-3.5 (Odoo version 11.0): sudo python3.5 -m pip install hellosign-python-sdk