Odoo Print Full-On Reports PDF Odoo
Print All Odoo PDF Reports From Single Menu
This module allow user to print PDF reports and wizard action reports from single place. Means, User does not need to go to each menu to print reports. They can come on single menu and print any Odoo PDF reports available in Odoo. Menu:
- Setting/Run Reports/Print Report
Currenty we have added menu under Settings that means user having admin rights can use this menu and print all reports. Besides we have added security in code by checking access rights (ACL) before printing reports that gives you flexibility of adding menu under different apps like Sales, Purchases, Accounting, etc..
As we know we can print reports in Odoo by two way, one is from form/list view and use print option at top (For example Due payments report on customer form/list) or from menus directly available to print report (For example Accounting/Reporting/PDF Reports/General Ledger).
Based on above options to print report we have given selection of two report types on wizard.
- Report By Model
- Report By Wizard
One Limitation: Reports print from list/form view but printing through wizard can not be printed with option Report By Model. But you can print that report if you have menu created for that. Lets take example of "General Ledger" this report is available on account form as well as in menu Accounting/Reporting/PDF Reports/General Ledger... So General ledger report can be print by selecting option Report By Wizard but not with Report By Model. That's only limitation with module. In summary: User can print all pdf reports which are printed directly from list/form view and all pdf reports which are printing from menu of wizard.